At DiScipio Law Group, you can turn to our highly skilled attorneys for legal solutions to your personal injury matters in the Greater New York area. For more than a decade, we have provided clients with the personal service and legal representation they deserve. You can count on us to listen to your concerns and guide you through the entire legal process. DiScipio Law Group prides itself on excelling in personal injury matters and understanding all of the intricacies involved in such. Our practice areas include medical malpractice, premises liability, construction accidents, city liability, and motor vehicle collisions.

Medical Malpractice

Bringing a medical malpractice lawsuit may be appropriate if your doctor deviated from accepted medical standards and practices, and this deviation was the cause of your injuries. When you or a family member suffer an injury due to the mistake of a medical professional, you need a compassionate, experienced and aggressive attorney in your corner.  DiScipio Law Group provides just that, helping you navigate a claim for serious medical errors.  These matters are complex, and you need a lawyer that is not only familiar with the law, but the medical principles, practices and standards of care that apply to your case.  At DiScipio Law Group, you are provided with years of litigation experience in the medical malpractice field. 

Personal Injuries Sounding in Premises Liability

Pursuant to New York State law, property owners have an obligation to provide people on their premises with a safe place to walk, travel, learn and shop.   When you are injured due to a dangerous and defective condition on someone's property, you may be entitled to compensation.   If you suffer from an injury on someone else's property due to their negligence, you can count on DiScipio Law Group to help you file suit and work towards financial recovery.

Construction Accidents

If you suffer from a construction accident while at work, you need a lawyer who will work tirelessly to get you the money you deserve.  Construction sites are dangerous places, and many workers are hurt on scaffolding, ladders, hoists, slings, and other similar devices. Due to the risky nature of construction work, accidents can leave laborers temporarily or permanently disabled, seriously impacting their health, well-being, and livelihoods.  Passerbys, such as pedestrians, cyclists and motorists, can also be seriously harmed in construction accidents and may be entitled to financial compensation.   Often, there is a basis for a claim against a general contractor or owner under New York State Labor Laws. We are here to fight for the personal injury compensation you deserve and will provide you with the legal support you need!

City Liability

For any injury involving a city municipality, we recommend contacting our skilled firm for assistance, as we have extensive experiencing in prosecuting claims against city municipalities and their departments.  Municipal liability in New York City is a complex area of law, but an important one for people who sustained injuries while on city-owned property, or from the actions of city employees.  The New York City municipal government operates streets, sidewalks, public parks, recreational buildings, trees, shrubs, traffic control signals, streetlights, utility service facilities, and government-owned vehicles. If a municipal corporation caused harm or a violation of rights concerning any of these areas, the victim may have the right to sue and obtain a financial award. The injured party must properly serve the City of New York within 90 days of the date of the accident’s occurrence for personal injury or property damage claims. This involves a delivery of notice of claim to the New York City Comptroller’s Office, either electronically, by mail, or in person.  Failing to meet the deadline for a municipality claim could lead to the courts refusing to hear your case. Contact our skilled attorneys today for more information and a free case evaluation. 

Motor Vehicle Collisions

If you have been injured in an auto accident due to someone else's negligence, our attorneys will assist you in recovering compensation for any injuries sustained.  Our goal is to help you receive financial resources to cover damages such as medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost income, and other costs and losses.  Our extensive knowledge of medicine separates us from the rest, and will help us to further prove the extent of any injuries sustained. Contact us now if you are the victim of a car accident, which includes driver, passengers, cyclists and pedestrians.


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